Apartment Decorating Once Again

So I had to put a halt on decorating my new apartment due to lack of monetary funds and time. But I was able to jumpstart it this weekend! No, I'm still broke but I had some time and some ideas I wanted to try out. I went to my go-to place (Ikea) on Saturday and got some plants, pots, wall stickers, frames and a large framed umm...photo? painting? I don't know what I'd call it, but I hung it by my bed and I love it. In the living room I tried making my super long plant grow around the two frames I got from Urban Outfitters two months ago, but it wasn't cooperating so I went the faux route with these stickers from Ikea. I was also able to finally frame the ladybug poster I bought back in June and hung it up on my bathroom wall to go along with the ladybug motif I have going on in there.

I also decided to cultivate my green thumb by creating a mini-garden by my living room window. I bought a shelf and today I just repotted the plants I bought this weekend and made a hot mess in the process. Hopefully they don't all die on me. I'm trying to get seeds to grow some herbs while I'm at it too. I like that I have my own little green space in my apartment now :)

And I have a roommate now too! Too bad the fool pays no rent whatsoever. I bought a little fishie - a betta - April of last year and at some point I gave it up for adoption to my younger brother. Somehow he managed to survive all this time and I regained custody yesterday after the tank broke. I had decided to buy another one when my brother asked if I wanted to take him back. So I did! Mr. First and I had named him Clifford after the big red dog, but I usually just refer to it as "Fish." Say hello!

And finally, remember that pottery class my friend and I took for six weeks this summer? Well we FINALLY picked up our creations yesterday evening and here's what I ended up with:

Pretty cool, huh? You should've seen what the advanced students made. I'd love to take another class someday, but then again I have bills to pay and now mouths to feed.
So yup, that's what's been going on in the homefront. What do you guys think?