Now I know everyone lives their life as they see fit and maybe she doesn't want kids and all that, but my friend and I started wondering: At what point would we say, "Forget men! I'm having a child on my own!" We definitely do not want to be 50 years old and still waiting for The One to come along to then start a family. We might have missed our chances by then! She and I talked about just having our kids by 35 and then resuming the search after.
Although she feels (or strongly hopes) that we'll be married by the time we're 30 and I doubt we're all doomed for a life of spinsterhood, she said it's good to have a backup plan - just in case.
I might go the adoption route if it comes down to it. For years I've mentioned wanting to adopt a baby someday and giving it all the love and care it's been missing. "Why would I bring another child into this world when there are so many out there wishing somebody loved them?" I'd ask. And mom would reply, "You need to have a child of your own so I can love it." Yeah, thanks mom.
So how late would you guys wait? And would you willingly have a child on your own or just let nature and fate take it's course?