Sports Round-Up

Here's a quickie for your sports fiends out there. I'm not really one of them, but the following stories have grabbed my attention over the last few days:

Tom Brady's season is over. The New England Patriots' star quarterback tore something or other in his knee this past Sunday and the surgery/recoup will have him off the field until next year. Mind you the season is only a week in!

In other injury news, the Mets' pitcher Billy Wagner will need reconstructive elbow surgery. So not only will he be out for the remainder of this season, but he'll need time to recover for at least another year. Yipers, that's sad.

As far as the current MLB standings go, the top two teams in each division are:
NL East: NY Mets (81 wins), Philadelphia (79)
NL Central: Chicago Cubs (86), Milwaukee (82)
NL West: LA Dodgers (74), Arizona (71)

AL East: Tampa Bay (86), Boston (85)
AL Central: Chicago Sox (80), Minnesota (79)
AL West: LA Angels (87), Texas (71)

And did you hear? Lance Armstrong is totally making a comeback! He's planning on unretiring and participating in next year's Tour de France :)

So what's sports/teams are you guys following?