Too Much Contact

So about two hours ago I received a phone call from a strange number - at the exact same time Mr. First sent me a text. I never pick up numbers I don't recognize so I immediately e-mailed my friend to ask what that guy's number was. Turns out it wasn't him; it was The Psychic calling me to see if we could meet up next week. I called back and left her a message so I'm waiting to hear back from her.

And now I just received another text - this time from that guy (he'll get a nickname once I get to know him a bit better). Some girls might frown upon texting as a way of first reaching out, but I am perfectly fine with that. In fact, I prefer it to talking (which is why I'm a writer and not a speaker). His text was simple and short: "Hey, hows it going? This is -- (--'s friend)."

Ladies and gentlemen, we have contact.

Oh no! I just had a thought: what if I replied way too quick? Now he's going to think I'm a thirst bucket. Plus, I've been having second thoughts about the whole thing. Maybe I'm not ready to start talking to other guys. The idea of him and me dating other people still makes me teary-eyed. I dunno...