Dad: Oh and they told me you can't drink a full cup of this thing.
Me: Well why not? (like I really even want to)
Dad: Because you don't exercise or burn enough calories a day. So drink only half a cup.
Me: So you're saying if I take a full cup, I'll be intaking more calories than I'll be burning? Isn't that the whole point?!
So ladies and gentlemen, in a few weeks time I'll be looking like I'm on steroids. Minus the 'roid rage.
Dear Lord! I just checked and a "heaping scoop" of this thing packs 750 calories!! Where has this thing been all my life? I'm gonna have protein powder-seasoned rice with protein powder-flavored chicken and a protein powder shake to wash it all down (gotta mix it up you know). I wonder if your stomach can explode from this stuff...
Other than that all is well on the health front. Well as good as they can be when you're underweight and learned that you have "an impressive list of allergies" you never knew you had before. Let's just say an 8 on the scale signifies a high allergic reaction and these are just some of my ratings:
orchard grass: 40.60
timothy grass: 25.40
birch tree: 54.50 (this one is just a teeeeeny bit disconcerting; what exactly would happen to me?)
oak tree: 29.10
The list of allergens goes on, but those are the highest. Plus, this is the first fall season I'm getting allergies (they usually visit in the spring) so I'll be lucky if I make it to winter with my nose intact.