First Off, I'd Like to Thank God...

Well Anonymous is not the only one winning prizes around here! Last night, Kelsey at K is…Not your Average Girl gave me my very first blog award (left). Yay! So now I have to list six things I love and then pass this on to six other blog peeps :)

I Love…

1 Writing
2 Internet surfing ‘til my eyes fall out and checking my e-mail every five minutes (haha, just kidding! It’s every two…)
3 Spooking the bejesus out of my 57-year-old mom (I really need to stop though)
4 Walking through the park while listening to music
5 Blue things…
6 But I only like red candy (mmm, there’s just something about that artificial cherry flavor!)

And The Winners Are…

1 Joyce at {sugarlens}
2 Heidi at Fancy Feet
3 Valerie at being red
4 Lisa at curious girl
5 Susanna-Cole at Girl Meets NYC
6 Heather at Mindless Junque