Gee, I Wonder Who's Going To Mexico...

Oh wait, that'd be me!! Yup, in two and a half weeks yours truly will be headed to Cancun for five days of total relaxation. I bought my ticket yesterday afternoon and cannot wait until I've left all this stress behind (though it'll be hard ignoring my hotel's wireless service).

This will be the first time I travel out of the country by myself, but I feel like I need to do this. In fact, I've been feeling this way for many months now. It's half me wanting to run away from everything that's been bringing me down and half me needing to prove to myself that I can jet set and manage in foreign territory on my own. Yeah, there's the chance that I'll get depressed alone out there, but I could also use this opportunity to center myself once again.

Back in April, my coworker introduced me to these Zencasts that were absolutely wonderful. I'd walk through Central Park and play it on my iPod. I wrote down the following quote from one of those podcasts:

"If you're always moving and acting and doing, you don't really have to confront yourself and meet yourself. But if you really sit still sometimes, suddenly all this energy doesn't have an outlet in a sense. And so you get to see it."

So I guess what I've been needing is stillness (which is quite hard to manage in this city). I've been feeling so lost and this constant moving and keeping busy (so I don't have to stop and think) is exhausting me even more. So maybe I can meet myself again in Mexico and figure out where I want to be.

Plus, I have this fantasy of going to a fancy restaurant dressed to the nines and feeling completely at ease as I request a table for one ;)
