Intro for the Newbies

[In order to fill new readers in on who I am and the characters in my life, I’ve created this mini Q&A between me and myself. I’ll keep it on the sidebar to your left so you can refer to it when need be.]

Ok, so let’s get started. Who are you?
I’m a 26-year-old writer in NYC. I work at a national women’s magazine and freelance for a couple other publications.

Sounds cool. Is NYC as marvelous as everyone says it is?
Living here is fun and having so many things available to you at any given time is definitely a perk. But sometimes it’s overwhelming and exhausting. I’m the type that needs to get away from the city every once in a while in order to appreciate how beautiful it really is (NYC during the holidays is no less than amazing)!

Are you an only child?
No, thank God. I would’ve been bored out of my mind. I have a younger sister and brother.

Tell me about your parents.
They divorced when I was 18. I see or talk to both practically every day though. I’ve always been closer to my dad than my mom, so when he moved out it was a huge blow for me. My mom has always been a tough person to deal with, but I have hope she’ll change someday.

Do you still live with her?
No actually, I moved out on my own this summer and that’s brought its own set of craziness as I do my best to semi-decorate when I have time, keep those creepy-crawlies out and complain about the lack of heat. Oh, and I don't know how to cook. Can I add that I still don’t know my neighbors’ names, but I know the smelly dog next door is named Rocky? Fun times.

I’ll bet. So tell me, who’s T?
T is my therapist – as in psychologist.

Oh, so you’re crazy.
No! Sometimes the habits you form as a child just to get you through hard situations do you more harm than good. Plus, it helps to just talk things out with someone who’s unbiased. At first I was apprehensive about sharing all this, but if it helps someone else open up then so be it.

Anything else?
Yeah, I recently found out I’m severely allergic to some grasses and trees, that my blood pressure tends to drop and that I’m anorexic due to my underweight status. I’m not trying to be thin, but when I get the blues I lose my appetite.

Geez, is there anything that isn’t wrong with you?
Well I am kind of awesome.

Sure you are. And who’s Mr. First?
He was my first and only boyfriend. We were friends in grad school, secretly liked each other for months, didn’t tell each other until we moved back home, got together soon after, did the long distance thing for a year and a half, almost moved in together in January and then broke up on Valentine’s Day.

Yipers! What happened?
A lot I guess. It was amicable and for our own good, but it’s been hard nonetheless. I’m still not completely over it. We still keep in touch, but it’s becoming more and more sporadic. Time does that I guess.

So have you dated other guys since?
No, no. I’m not ready and I think it wouldn’t be fair to the next guy. I’d just compare the two and the bar’s been set pretty high. Sometimes I think it’s best to be alone for a while and figure out who you are first and right now that’s what I’m trying to do.

Don’t you miss the affection though?
Yeah, I do. Especially when I come home late at night and realize that I can’t call up the person who used to wait up to make sure I got in safely. Well that along with 5000 other moments.

Ok, I’ll stop with the mushiness before you start tearing up here.
[smirks] It’s ok. I’ll be fine.

Btw, what’s up with cheering for the Phillies? Aren’t you from NEW YORK?!
That would be Mr. First’s doing. I cheer for them and hope they win because it would make him unbelievably happy. Plus, it’s been fun butting heads with my dad (a big Mets fan) this whole season.

Aww, I don’t know if that’s totally sweet or utterly pathetic.
Me neither.

Would you like to add anything else?
Not really. I’m still young and still have a lot of questions myself so I’m learning to be patient and wait until I’m ready for the answers. No easy feat if you know me!