And then a few hours ago Curious Girl (Lisa) tagged me for a 4x4! Basically, I tell you sillyheads four things about me for each of the four categories. Aren't you guys the lucky ones :)
But first I wanted to tell you guys to check out her cute and colorful blog. I love her pics and only wish I had her skills. Plus, she just had a photo show last week so how cool is that?
(That would be very.)
So without further ado...
Four Things I Did Today
1 Fought off the temptation to go online before work this morning. It's a bad habit and I need to quit it!
2 Counted down the hours at work. Yay for half days!
3 Went to a cool exhibition showcasing John Lennon's artwork.
2 Counted down the hours at work. Yay for half days!
3 Went to a cool exhibition showcasing John Lennon's artwork.
4 Walked in the sunshine, gerber daisies in hand.
Four Things On My To-Do List
1 Go grocery shopping. It's looking pretty bleak in this fridge.
2 Gain 20 pounds.
3 Try my very best to not do any work-related activities this weekend.
4 And instead, walk around the 'hood, make some greeting cards, take pictures and just create art again. It's been a long while :)
Four Of My Guiltiest Pleasures
1 Blogging. About total randomness. All the time. And reading other people's randomness.
2 Singing in the shower and pouring my heart into it because I swear I can sing. No really, I can.
3 Watching cartoons every Saturday morning. Yes, I watch Strawberry Shortcake. Is that a problem?
4 Making to-do lists that run a mile long. And I'll add the tiniest things that are pretty much completed just so I can have something to check off. Man, why do I feel so accomplished when I do that?!
Four Random Facts About Me
1 I have a tiny red heart-shaped birthmark at the bottom of my right foot.
2 My first name is derived from Dorcas, an old seamstress in the Bible who was so loved that she was brought back to life when she died. It means gazelle (and there's an actual gazelle called that) so maybe that's why my metabolism is so freakin fast.
3 My favorite number is 11 because of my bday (Jan 11) and because 11:11 is the only time that can be read the same forwards, backwards and upside down (and yes, I make wishes at that time).
4 At 4'9," I'm technically a "little person," but I prefer "person of small stature" and I still qualify to use a booster seat when I'm in a car.
And now I pass on the torch to the following awesome bloggers:
Joyce at {sugarlens}
Franco at RiverMist. Expressions
Lenore at Lenorenevermore
Odessa at freefalling me
Can't wait to read your answers :)