Message in a Bottle

So this guy found a bottle on a beach in the British West Indies this past August...almost 35 years after it was thrown into the Atlantic from a cruise ship! With the help of The Stamford Advocate, he was able to track down 46-year-old Andrew Tallos, who wrote the note when he was eleven.

So what exactly did the letter say?

"I'm on the Vistafjord. Write back to Andrew Tallos, Haviland Rd, Stamford, Conn. 06903."

Btw, the discoverer of the bottle and his family have found other beachside treasures before. Turns out they go in search of them during their Caribbean vacations. Sounds like a fun little adventure :)

So what special message would you release into the world? I think I'd write:

"We may not know each other, but my letter was meant to find its way to you. I hope it finds you well and if not, then know that someone out here is hoping tomorrow will be much better."

It's a message I'd like to find sticking out of the sand, waiting just for me.