Oh Snap, Tagged Again!

So I've been tagged again- this time by the lovely bookworm merc3069 at BookBitten! This 4x4 is such a fun one, I've been secretly hoping I'd get to do it at some point in time. Oh! And I totally took that image from RiverMist Expressions when Franco posted his set of answers. (Hope you don't mind!)

[Cue the drum rolls please...]

Top Four Wishes

1 I wish people would stop hurting each other.
2 I wish it were above 10 degrees in my cubicle.
3 I wish I was finally (and consistently) happy.
4 I wish for an infinity number of wishes.

Four Places I Want To Travel To

1 Italy
2 Greece
3 Spain
4 The moon

Four Careers I Want To Be Involved In

1 Magazine writing
2 Creating greeting cards/ arts and crafts
3 Photography
4 Storm chasing (or race car driving, whichever makes my adrenaline levels shoot through the roof)

Four Things I Would Like God To Say At The Gates of Heaven

1 "There are no tears in Heaven."
2 "Jesus really is my homeboy."
3 "Despite what those previously tagged bloggers may think, I'm not a raging alcoholic."
4 "You just got PUNK'D! haHA sucka! Now get back to work."

And the four peeps I'm tagging on this one are:

Jess at Smiles in Easy Open Packages
Heidi at Fancy Feet
Suz at Alive in Wonderland
Tooj at Circling the Square Table

So get to it! (Please?)