Sauciness, Awards and Prizes

It's a lovely start to Sunday when you wake up and realize your blog is considered a saucy one! This week I'm one of the Saucy blogs of the week on The Secret is in the Sauce (SITS).

I joined SITS last weekend when I found The Button (above) on several people's pages. It's a blog dedicated solely to help those addicted to comments. Here's the five step program:

Step 1: Check in daily to roll call (comment on the daily post)
Step 2: Visit the blog of the person who checked in before you to say hello
Step 3: Visit the featured blog of the day and shower that blogger with love (aka comments, comments and more comments)
Step 4: Visit saucy blogs of the week (like yours truly's)
Step 5: Participate on all the awesome giveaways they hold

Seriously. Why didn't I find this sooner?

So to all you new sillyheads coming by way of SITS, welcome!

Also, last night Susanna-Cole from Girl Meets NYC awarded me the I Love Your Blog Award! It's a cutie petutie one and I thank her so much for giving one to me (especially since I think her place is no less than fantastic what with those pictures and inspiring posts. She always has me thinking about my own actions).

In turn I shall give this award to curious girl, {sugarlens}, fancy feet and mindless junque (by Heather, one of the creators of SITS!)

Congrats ladies :)

And finally, I was chosen to Pay It Forward by Maki from w/ Love, Sincerely- Posh Mom's Diary earlier this week. So I in turn have to do something nice for three other people. So here's what I'm going to do:

As most of you know, I'm going away in two weeks for my solo escape to Cancun (eeeeee! Cannot wait! Anyway...) I definitely don't want to leave you guys without your daily dry toast for five days and I definitely don't want to park my butt at a computer during my vacay (Ok, I do but that's because I have problems) so instead I'm looking for guest bloggers. If you would like to write a sweet little entry about ANYTHING (so long as it's PG-13 and non-boring-as-all-get-out) please leave me a comment on this post. I'll choose a whole slew of you on Friday, provided a slew of you are interested, and will ask you to e-mail me your entries by the following Thursday, Nov 6th so I can schedule it in.

And out of those who participate, three will be randomly chosen to receive a little souvenir from Paradise and will be asked to Pay It Forward to three more people. So you get to write for me, you get to shamelessly plug your own blog/advertise whatever it is you're selling on Etsy, and you might win a little prize while I keep my readers entertained; it's win-win!

So let me know if you're interested! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday :)