Wanted: A Vacay...Stat!

I love to fly. There's nothing like the hustle and bustle of an airport, getting that boarding pass and the anticipation that sets in as you buckle your seat belt and prepare for take-off. And those views...I pretty much spend most of the flight marveling at how something so big can soar through the clouds.

Too bad I haven't experienced any of this in almost four years. I've been itching to get out of the city for a couple days, a week, whatever, but I keep pushing it back. It's been:

"Oh, I should focus on grad school this year."

"I have to keep job searching."

"I'm too busy with work."

"No, I don't want to go to D.R. for the millionth time, thanks." (I'm a firm believer that the world's just too huge to be making so many repeat visits...but I have been toying with Punta Cana since I've never been there.)

And now, "Crap. I'm broke."

You see, I have found deals online. Just one problem...they're all based on double occupancies!! Argh! What if you want to jet-set completely and utterly sola? What if the plan is to go where nobody knows your name, lay out on the beach and dig your toes into the sand? Geez, I didn't know it was so expensive to be a loner.

So we'll see what I end up doing. For now, I'll keep looking through Travelzoo and salivate over pictures like these:

Images: wisebread.com, tripadvisor.com, villagecruisetravel.com