Day 4: Living Up the Last Day

Total beach bum day. I threw on my bathing suit and sat out on the beach until I thought I was going to pass out. I walked along the shoreline trying not to let the waves topple me over and checking out the other hotels (for future visits). I also did some people watching while flipping through Cosmo. I had an awesome lunch of ginormous mutant shrimp (had been craving the stuff for days), grilled vegetables and rice. And the strawberry daiquiri was yum-o! (Btw, I actually never had a martini while I was down there).

Dear Journal: I think everyone and their mother is here with their significant other. And of course as soon as I write that four guys walk by me along the shore! Well either way, most people here are paired off.

Yeah, I wish he were here. I mean I haven’t gotten all mopey about it, but he’ll pop into my head every now and then when I think of how romantic this place is.

So here I am on my last night in Cancun (and having dinner at the same restaurant as last night and again I’m famished). And guess what? To cap off this amazing trip, there’s an almost-full moon out tonight and there’s live music coming from an event out by the pools.

While I’m waiting for dinner to be served, I just wanted to say that:
-I like how the elevators smell like soothing incense thanks to the spa on the fourth floor.
-I love how freaking friendly everyone is around here.
-I love that no one ID’ed me for anything around here. What’s the legal drinking age here anyway? (If it's anything like DR, it'd be third trimester.)
-I’m so happy I finally got to see water that blue.
-I love the hotel room and how they fold the towels each day (although not realizing it’s back in its place and no longer where you left it by the shower stall until you’re already soaking wet is NOT COOL).

Tomorrow it’ll be back to the routine and real life. Blah. So overrated. Ooh, I have to go outside for my nightly ritual, but argh, it’s so noisy out there. I’ll just get out in the morning.

Or maybe I’ll run out tonight really quickly…