Halloween Hoopla

Halloween was a blast! My friends and I ended up going to this club I'm absolutely sick and tired of (seriously, they don't even tell me when they head over there anymore), but last night's party was amazing! The music was great (yes, Thriller was played), the costumes were either scandalous or genius and we danced til almost 4 in the morning. Any party that has me entertained until that late is a success in my book. Best of all, the sandals I bought last weekend were completely comfy even though I never broke them in! Oh, and I'm in love with that black skirt I bought at H&M last weekend too. Buttons and pockets? Hellooo Heaven!

Ok, enough about me. Here are some pics from last night's fiesta. My best buddies Heidi and Anonymous (ok, seriously pick a name already will you?!) are below dressed as a prisoner and a naughty school girl. I think we all look way too cute for words, don't you think? ;)

So what did you guys wear and do last night?