I'm Back! And in Love...

So I got back yesterday evening and just wanted to pop in to say that my trip went fantastically well. I wish I were still there now since NYC is currently making a lousy case for why it's better here than in Cancun (it's 53 degrees and rainy, boo).

I was up and out early every single day to enjoy the warm weather and gorgeous scenery and I got a lot of writing, reading and relaxing done. I left the mopeyness here and didn't feel an ounce of sadness or loneliness while I was out there. Actually, that's not completely true since it's a bit tough to not feel any loneliness when you're alone in such a romantic place surrounded by lovey dovey couples.

In fact, I've totally fallen in love with traveling by myself! Dinner for one was a piece of cake (with some chicken in lemon sauce, mashed potatoes and strawberry daiquiries) and the waiters were all so attentive (bonus: you don't have to worry about looking like a famished beast when you reach for the last piece of bread on the table). I came and went as I pleased, took naps when I felt like one and developed a nightly ritual where I would go sit out by the beach and just listen to the waves rolling onto the shore. I'm already wondering where to go next!

Either way, I had a wonderful time and will be back with more details and pictures! It's nice to be home, but seriously, I'd so rather be on vacation.