Obama Wins Election

Ok, sorry for the burst of exclamations last night, but there was no way I could form full sentences after Barack Obama's win. I've never felt prouder than I did when I saw all those people standing in Grant Park chanting "Yes, we can" along with their future president. (Btw, how on Earth you stay that composed while delivering a speech of this magnitude is beyond me.) And let's not forget the tally of electoral votes: 338 to 163 (and three states are still processing!). How badly did we want this?! How long have we waited for this to come?

And I wasn't just proud of Joe Biden and Obama (and the fact that he's getting that puppy for his little girls); I was also happy to hear McCain's concession speech (except for the boo'ers in the crowd). I hope he does follow through on his promise to work together. Obama might have won, but there are still so many who doubt his ability to point the country in the right direction, to start fixing what's been plaguing this nation and to once again instill hope in its people.

So to each party on either side of the divide I beg you: put aside your differences, realize that the country is one hell of a hot mess and admit that the best way to clean it up is by rolling up your sleeves and coming together.

All in all this election was historic and no less than inspirational. And as we all know, hope is a wonderful and powerful thing.

Image: nytimes.com