Thanksgiving The Way It Should Always Be

In yet another desperate attempt to turn these crazy people I grew up with into a functional family, I decided to host Thanksgiving dinner at my apartment. At mom's, Thanksgiving is no big deal really. It just happens to be the day mom cooks triple the usual amount and we each grab a plate and eat whenever and wherever we feel like it: the bedroom, in front of the TV, by the computer.

If I remember correctly, today would be the first time all five of us are here together and most definitely the first time we've had dinner here together. I asked mom to handle the meat and rice and I'd take care of side dishes, salads and desserts. Expectations were low, but I was secretly hoping for a miracle: that a fight wouldn't break out between us.

And it actually turned out great! We ate together, mom said grace (that's got to be a first, too) and blessed my home, and we laughed, danced, sang, told jokes and stories. Having such a good time with my family was just what I needed and I'm glad they had a good time. I hope to host more dinners in the future and just spend time like this with them.

Time where we just sit around talking way too loudly and reminiscing about the day each of us sibs were born (apparently the parentals have totally different memories on those occassions). Time where we take tons of silly pictures. And time where I force each of them to try my side dishes dammit!

All in all I guess time isn't always so bad...

Our first go at a group picture with the timer:

We got it down eventually ;)

I absolutely love her and she loves me :)

Even the too-cool-for-school bro joined in!

Brother and sisterly love!

Btw, turns out my sis is a borderline Rubik's Cube genius. She can turn a whole side one color in a matter of secs, which is way more than I can say for myself. I've never felt so inadequate in my life :p

And P.S. Thanks so much for the hugs and warm thoughts about my feelings toward the holidays. I felt a bit better once I wrote it out and went to bed. Of course after I wrote all that I woke up to an unexpected text from him sent long after I'd fallen asleep (he doesn't read this blog). When midday hit and I still hadn't responded he tried to reach me two other ways worried because he hadn't heard from me in a while. He just wanted to make sure I was all right, catch up and wish me and the family a happy Thanksgiving. It didn't turn out so bad :)