To pursue or not pursue, that is the question

So, as you know our wonderful blogger Dorkys is away on vacation. So here I am, her friend Heidi (the prisoner for Halloween) writing an entry so she can finally step away from the computer for a few days.

Anyways, I wanted to bring up a subject and see if you guys agree or disagree with me. I am one of those old fashioned girls who still believes in chivalry and having men take the extra steps to win my affection. But as time goes by you see that there are less girls out there willing to sit and wait for men to decide what the next move should be and they are out there pursuing the object of their affection.

So sometimes I wonder, am I doing the right thing waiting for men to approach me or should I build up courage and go ahead and do the approaching. The truth is that I can not see myself pursuing men. I just can’t, maybe it’s the way I’m wired I don’t know. But I am a firm believer in that when a man is interested in a woman he goes out of his way to woo her. He asks for your number, he calls, comes see you, and wants to meet up all the time. But then again, times have changed so much that maybe men feel that if you don’t go out of your way to approach them maybe it’s an indication that you (the woman) is not interested.

It sure feels good to feel wanted and pursued by someone you’re interested in, and I guess the same way I get a self esteem boost when a guy catches my eye and takes the first step is what men feel when a woman makes a move. Or do men prefer to be the ones who take that extra step and approach women? I don’t know the answer to that, which is why I’m writing about it here.

I know that finding a man that you like and respect is hard enough in our society. So maybe when you do meet someone and you’re interested in him the logical thing to do would be to go after him. Whether that is asking for his number or being the one that initiates the phone calls and suggests meeting up. And even though I try really hard to convince myself that we have to sometimes be the ones that take matters into our own hands there’s a part of me that tells me to keep doing what I’m doing. Which is to patiently wait for my knight in shinning armor to sweep me off my feet. I guess I still feel like my mom and my grandmother felt back in the day which is that if a man is really interested in you he will make the move, even if he’s shy or insecure. The attraction he feels for you will be stronger than his fear of rejection.

So what do you guys think? Should women pursue men or should we just sit and wait for them to approach us?
