Last Minute Hustle

I'm a procrastinator through and through.

Which is exactly why it's December 20...and I just started Christmas shopping two hours ago. I had weeks to do this under kinder weather, but nooo. I obviously had to wait until the roads where disgusting so I could slip and slide my way to Target.

That's right. Target. This year I've decided that if the gift cannot be bought there, it will not be bought at all. I'm not venturing any further. It's bad enough I have to brave the below-freezing temps for ten minutes (because I refuse to wait a half hour for the bus) to get there looking like Rudolph with the sniffles while muttering "Worst idea everrr" under my breath.

And let's not forget the long lines, people who have no idea how to drive a cart and this inexplicable urge to smash into people - young and old. (Shopping rage anyone?)

But I know I always bring this upon myself. I usually wait til super late just because I cannot be bothered to go to the stores until the last possible moment. Then there's that whole anti-Holiday trip I've been on. I didn't decorate. I didn't get a tree. I didn't blast Christmas songs all month long. I didn't even want to buy all this "stuff," so buyer's remorse will kick in approximately 20 minutes from now. I did at least finish my Christmas cards and sent them on their "merry" way yesterday morning. So at least I haven't been a complete Grinch.

Maybe next year I'll participate again - with both feet in.
