Get Lost

Well I finally went out and rented season 4 of Lost. I couldn't watch the season premiere on Wednesday because I've yet to catch up, but this ends now! Especially since things are getting riskier what with commercials sneaking up on me during my regularly scheduled TV programs and morning radio shows.

I even freaked out the other night when a commercial with jungles, lakes and rugged people came on TV. I reached for the remote with the only quickness while trying to drown out the sound so I wouldn't hear any spoilers.

Turns out it was a commercial for Survivor. On a completely different channel.

Whatev. They're practically the same show...only not really.

Btw, I'm only three episodes in (and yes, I just started two hours ago) and I'm so unbelievably confused already. Now my head hurts.

Hey did anyone else see American Idol on Wednesday? I really liked the last girl who sang (her own song at that). She was cute, fun and could actually sing. Anybody have an early fave?

I think I stumbled upon a new show I might like. In Lie To Me (FOX, Wednesdays, 9 PM EST), Tim Roth (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction) plays a deception expert who can tell when someone is lying by reading into every action, every word and every expression. Doesn't hurt that I have this thing for English accents, too ;)
