I even freaked out the other night when a commercial with jungles, lakes and rugged people came on TV. I reached for the remote with the only quickness while trying to drown out the sound so I wouldn't hear any spoilers.
Turns out it was a commercial for Survivor. On a completely different channel.
Whatev. They're practically the same show...only not really.
Btw, I'm only three episodes in (and yes, I just started two hours ago) and I'm so unbelievably confused already. Now my head hurts.
Hey did anyone else see American Idol on Wednesday? I really liked the last girl who sang (her own song at that). She was cute, fun and could actually sing. Anybody have an early fave?
I think I stumbled upon a new show I might like. In Lie To Me (FOX, Wednesdays, 9 PM EST), Tim Roth (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction) plays a deception expert who can tell when someone is lying by reading into every action, every word and every expression. Doesn't hurt that I have this thing for English accents, too ;)
Image: watchlost4.com
Image: watchlost4.com