Boo to the Flu

I’m still sick, but since my body no longer felt like it was run over by an 18-wheeler I came back to work yesterday.

Now I’m shuffling around the office (though not in my pj’s) feeling contaminated and carrying around a bottle of Theraflu to take a swig every four hours. My messy hair is concealed in a bun because Lord knows that craziness should not be set free. I feel gross and would much rather be in bed where I can pretend that few things are sexier than smelling like Vicks VapoRub.

But you know how some people make an extra effort to look good when they feel bad? Yeah, I’m not that person. I know it would probably help to put forth effort as a way of lifting my spirits, but when I feel crummy I totally look it. I’m just too tired, too low, too whatever to go get my hair done and paint my nails. And when I look bad I feel even worse. It’s all a vicious cycle.

Doesn’t help that it’s been in the 50s all week and instead I’m walking around looking like an Inuit.

So what’s your “I’m sick” pick-me-up?
