Collective Storytelling

I’ve been so busy I haven’t had the time to pick up one of the many unread books on my shelf. So I thought I’d start a short story here and let you continue to weave the tale. Here’s how it’ll work: I’ll start the piece below and you can go ahead and contribute as much or as little and as many times as you wish. I’ll pop in every now and then and end the story Sunday night. Tip: to avoid missing pieces of the story as you think of what to write, type up your bit elsewhere so you can quickly copy and paste it in the comment box.

Make it fun, keep it interesting and we’ll see where it goes…


She didn’t know it yet, but Nora was meant to be there. Every twist and turn her life had taken was for a reason and that reason was staring back at her that very moment. Maybe if she’d known it then, she wouldn’t come to regret her decision 20 years later.

“Ma’am, can I take your order?” he asked once again.

Nora snapped back to reality. She didn’t realize her mind had drifted off yet again, but there was just something familiar about him. But that would be impossible, she thought. Her plane from New York had just landed in California an hour ago. There’s no way she could know him.

And yet, after she walked away with her order, she felt as if something inside her were pulling her back to that McDonald's counter.