Courtship Questions

Saturday night the girls and I went out to a club by my house (very convenient by the way; had I known it existed I would've been a regular there by now). I had lots of fun and came home with my sis much later than I expected. But while I danced and laughed the night away, a few things popped into my head and I wanted to know what you guys thought:

- When a guy (or a girl) you're not interested in asks for your number, do you a) pretend you didn't hear the request, b) give out your digits like candy on Halloween, c) give out a fake number and hope s/he doesn't test it on the spot or d) politely explain why your answer is "Hell to the no?"

I'm (a) all the way. I might be flattered that you asked, but I don't know you, am much too "cautious" to give out my digits like that and it'll just become another phone number I'll ignore. I have done it once, though. That lucky guy was The Lawyer. And the first and only time I lied and said I lost my phone (while praying it didn't ring in my pocket), my phone was stolen just days later. I learned my lesson.

- When the guy (or girl) realizes you're not giving up your number and s/he says, "Look me up on Facebook!" as you walk away, do you a) turn around and ask if s/he's 22, b) keep it moving - quickly, c) thank your lucky stars you didn't hook up with someone who would use Facebook as a line or d) introduce him/her to a younger sib?

My response: (b) and (c). Seriously guys, keep Facebook for your silent stalking needs. Besides, if s/he doesn't want to suffer through a phone convo, s/he probably wouldn't be interested in learning 25 Things about you.

- When you're with someone on the dance floor or in, um, more intimate settings, have you ever had to close your eyes and pretend they were someone else just to get through the moment?

Saturday night I just had to (while dancing, of course)! No, really. If you saw him you'd have to, too. And apparently I wasn't the only one. Is that mean? I could have said, "Oh no, that's ok! Really! My feet! They're just killing me right now." Instead I said yes because I wanted to dance with someone, anyone (clearly). Then I proceeded to dance with a figment of my imagination with my back towards him. So evil and yet so necessary. Trust me. The guy was way creeptastic on the dance floor. *Shudders*

By the way, if the thought of being intimate with someone is so unappealing that you actually have to envision someone entirely different because you just cannot stomach his/her presence, then you might want to rethink that one, no? Just saying. Or maybe times have just gotten that rough...?

Also, have you ever slipped and called him/her the other person's name? It's slightly different, but I have let "babe" slip out during phone convos with my guy friends. Thank goodness they missed it because they weren't paying attention. Men.

- And finally, the age old question: How big is your allowable age gap? I'm still wrapping my mind that it's (almost) perfectly fine to look toward the 30-year-olds, but I don't think I could aim for too young either. I think age difference is a lot more noticeable when you're in your teens and 20s. You change by leaps and bounds. You're still growing, still trying to figure out who you are. Once you reach 30, I'd like to think you're more sure of yourself and a bit more stable so age really does become nothing but a number. But then again what do I know? I'm only 27. I have eons to go before then ;)
