Morning Show Goodness

I prefer listening to music as I get ready for the day. I like to sing in the shower and dance as I get dressed. If the dog is lucky, I'll even dedicate a number to him. The downside? Time flies when you pretend you're Beyoncé. What starts off as a carefree morning soon turns into a mad frenzy as I run to catch my train. I just can't seem to cut off a song when it's only halfway through.

So today I opted for a morning show instead: a couple songs interspersed with funny commentary from Elvis Duran and the Z Morning Zoo. Only this time I was laughing so hard I'd lost track of the time anyway! Here's why:

The chorus gets me every time! (And if you don't know why this is hilarious then check out the original here.)

So how do you jump-start your day?

And P.S. Gross.