Notes from the Universe

Last week, I spent quite a bit of time checking blogs until I finally settled into Girl Friday's. Her posts are sweet and full of fun videos (like this awesome T-Mobile ad) that are sure to make you think or smile.

Anywho, thanks to her I learned about Notes from the Universe, a site that sends you a daily personalized e-mail meant to inspire you and push you to your goals. A daily little pick-me-up? I signed right up!

Here's what The Universe had to tell me this week:


If you look closely enough, intent upon understanding those things that cause you great pain and consternation, Dorkys, ultimately, I promise you, you'll find great joy and illumination.

Take the bait,
The Universe

P.S. And if you look closer still, Dorkys, you'll see all such things as proof of life's infinite grace.

* I always forget that the hard times are meant to teach an important lesson and that those days will eventually give way to happy ones. How do you find the strength to look into the pain and find the joy within it when you feel beaten and exhausted? I can examine in retrospect, but not when I'm in the midst of it.


Something that might add some sugar and spice to your daily comings and goings, Dorkys, would be to constantly remind yourself, "I created this, because I wanted to."

Prepare to be empowered,
The Universe

As well as, Dorkys, "I can change the heck out of it, and fast."

* I'm on the fence about this. I never know if everything is pre-written and what happens to us will happen no matter what we do. I also know it's a lazy school of thought. As if we live our lives as puppets playing out a master script. Or do we write our own story? One helps you let things go. The other helps you fight for the life you want. I'll go with a little of both.


Sometimes when you're ready for a change, Dorkys, and you kind of know it but won't admit it, when it comes, not only are you surprised, but it hurts.

Yeah, I know that doesn't help much, unless you remember the "ready" part. Because there is simply no change that might ever transpire in time and space that happens before you're fully able to use it for your own growth and glory.

Love watching you create,
The Universe

So hey, Dorkys, may as well just act like you had personally requested it, and soar. Because, truthfully, you did, and, honestly, you can.

* Another hard one to swallow, but it sends my thoughts right to last year. Yes, I was caught off guard though I'd been playing out the event in my head for months. It did hurt and I did think I'd be devastated forever. But I'm not - at least nowhere near as much as before. When it comes to what you cannot control: Accept. Learn. Grow. I guess you do encounter the challenges you're ready to handle.


Just curious, Dorkys, when was the last time you looked into a mirror and addressed yourself as "Gorgeous," "Magnificent," or "Sublime"?

Dorkys, it matters.

The Universe

Okay, Dorkys, "Hubba, Hubba" counts.

* When was the last time I addressed myself as what?? Um, never? Although my cell phone does turn on with a little "Hey, Gorgeous" note, I know that doesn't count. Note to self: tell self she's beautiful more often. She deserves it.


Never underestimate, Dorkys, how many friends you have, how close you are, and how much fun you're going to have.

Because, as you've seen throughout your entire amazing life, one usually gets exactly what they've been estimating.

You thrill me,
The Universe

P.S. How close are you, Dorkys???

* Close enough. Now please don't stalk me, Universe.
