Day 2: Missing Family & Poolside Fun

OK, I'll never complain about Toby's barking when I'm trying to sleep ever again. Not only were these guys talking loudly right outside my window, but then it was pouring rain last night. As if that weren't enough, those freakin roosters couldn't stop their incessant crowing! At least two hours went by before they shut up. And by then it was time to get up. Still tired.

Right now Anonymous's uncle is driving us from Salcedo to our resort RIU Merengue in Puerto Plata. It's weird, but I miss Santiago (where my family is from). I missed the smells, the warm breeze, two-minute rain showers, the hospitality. We're driving through it and I actually wish I had seen my family. For five years I've refused to come and when I agreed to this trip I didn't want to tell anyone I was in the country. Now that I'm here, I wish I had. Weird, huh?
You know what I didn't miss? The crazy driving! Well actually that's not entirely true. I have to admit I like the thrill of "Will we make it or will we die en route?" I don't know how anyone can manage driving around here. It takes some serious skill (or suicidal tendencies). Yesterday we risked our lives like 50 times - and half of those was just by trying to cross the street.
Our rooms were decent. And considering we were only going to be in there to sleep at night, I was just happy for hot water again. Please notice my side of the closet to the left and Anonymous's side on the right.

We spent the day walking around the resort, eating buffet food, still being incredibly tired, chilling in and around the pool and enjoying the animation staff's crazy antics. Fun times :)

OK, I still don't know how to swim and my whole "I don't want to dunk my head under the water" is a bit problematic. Someday...

P.S. LOVING my swimsuits and cover-ups!

There's a show here every night and tonight there was an audience dance competition and then a rendition of Grease. Can you believe I've yet to watch that musical?
After that we went to the resort's discoteca for the rest of the night. Now that place was smoky as hell. I mean I had fun dancing and clogging up my lungs, but by the end of the night my throat was killing me. Maybe there should be a "No Smoking" sign when you enter paradise.

P.P.S. Why do all the drinks taste like fruit juice?? You can't even taste the alcohol in them. Lame.