Day 6: Hasta Luego, DR

Boo, our last day! Anonymous wanted to go out bright and early to soak in as much sun as possible before heading back to gloomy NYC. I don't blame her one bit. By the way, there was little to no body hang-ups on my end. Mission accomplished! I guess the fact that there were some older, bigger, saggier ladies turning the place into a topless getaway helped a bit. My esteem, not my eyesight. (Dios mio, why??)

We made our rounds and said goodbye to the animators we'd come to know, love and tease. From left to right (and notice how I know most of the guys' names, but not the girls'): forgot this one (but he was in charge of the music), Mikael (another French guy), girl #1, new girl who was still learning the dance moves, Mickey Mouse, Chocolate, Chiki Monkey, Romeo, Baby Face. Donald Duck wasn't around that day.

At the airport, Anonymous and I made a silly little farewell video! It cuts off (because that's what happens when you have a tiny 512 MB memory card and then proceed to take 211 pictures) so I continued her sentence after the video.

...which one did you like most?"

Well that's an obvious one.

In case you're wondering what on Earth we're singing, check out the following videos I found of the lovely RIU Merengue animation staff. Each morning and during every show at night, they'd sing and dance to this, that and the third. Anonymous and I jumped on stage with everyone else on multiple occassions and so we learned the moves. Oddly enough, alcohol was not involved. Besides, I'd have to drink 20 of theirs to feel any effect.

And that's our trip in six nutshells!! So...when's the next vacation?