Having Fun Isn't Hard

Remember that little public library I discovered a block away from my house? Yeah, well it took me more than a month to actually visit it.

So here I am trying to be "productive" and instead blogging up a storm. In fact, as soon as I entered I walked straight to a random section (really I just wanted to look like I knew where I was going) and ended up in the web guides section. What did I grab from there (again, to look as if that was exactly where I wanted to be)? The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging. Funny, this is going to make Monday's Giveaway even more true.

Actually, I feel a bit out of place. Here I am, the only person on my iBook using the free WiFi when 10 other peeps are busy using the library's computer or waiting for one to open up. One's been trying to fill out a job application to Pathmark Supermarket for the past hour, but somehow can't seem to "get" it. I think he's getting on the librarians' nerves with his questions. And I overheard the guy next to him talking about a corrections officer. God I hope he was talking about a colleague.

It's a fairly small library, with half of the one-floor space dedicated to children's books (it's next to an elementary school). But there are quite a few tables and purple cushioned chairs that I'd love to sink into at some point. I doubt it ever gets too full on the weekends here, so I might pop in more often from now on.

We finally have beautiful weather in NYC today after days upon days of rain (with more to come) and though I should probably be out enjoying it, I like being in here for now. But I'll definitely be going out later on today.

P.S. Just how great is it outside, you ask? Well it's so perfect, I'm actually wearing a skirt! That means it's officially a holiday. It's a celebration...

P.P.S. The post title is a nod to a certain Arthur cartoon episode from long ago. I'm sure my sis will be the only one who knows the following lines to this song without having to Google for it :)