How was your weekend?

Toby and I spent our Saturday afternoon at the park people/dog watching and enjoying the lovely weather. I used that time to write a much-needed letter to myself.

I also spent what felt like an eternity getting my hair straightened at the salon. It only made me want to cut my long locks even more! I will one of these days.

And on Sunday, I finally took my SLR camera out for a spin! I'd forgotten how much I love seeing the world through those camera lens, trying to find or create that perfect shot. Since it's a 35 mm camera and not a digital, I can't tell if the shot is good or not until I get the film developed (oh how I miss doing that myself). Here are some from the first experimental roll:

I still have some practicing to do, but with that I've accomplished number 10!

P.S. Can you believe it's June? It's officially time for skirts, sandals and sorbet :)