Short Guys Have It Rough

On my train ride home yesterday, the guy standing next to me made me wonder: how hard is it for short guys to get some love?

Yes, I'm short myself and at 4'9" you'd think I'd pay more attention to the little guys who are closer to my level. Someone whose eyes I can look into without the need of a step stool. Someone whose back wouldn't hurt from bending over to kiss me each time.

Though I've had some small crushes, I prefer the guys who are at least normal height. I've got to think about the future here! I want my kids to have a fighting chance at turning out average. It'd simply be wrong of me to subject them to the short jokes I've had to "grow up" with. (And yes, gentlemen, when a girl first sees you, she already wonders how your kids will turn out before you even ask, "Why are you so late?" It's in our programming.)

And still, short girls have it easier than the guys. We're considered cute, adorable, huggable, perfect for cuddling, easy to lift, what have you. And although all these qualities have turned into major negatives at some point or another, a woman's small stature is rarely seen as a negative.

With male shorties it's a different story. They're expected to be big, tall and strong. They're expected to reach that top shelf in the closet. They're expected to provide protection and somehow being 5' tall doesn't exactly scream, "I will save you!!"

The two guys I've dated have both been 5'10" - more than a foot taller than me. But although I prefer my men to be taller (which isn't such a big request considering my height), there's also a cap. Because the last thing this short girl wants is to look like a traveling freak show when walking down the street with her man.

What about you? Any height preferences?
