A Convo Between Two Important People

[It's been nine months since the first one...]

So here we are...just you and me and all of the people, with nothing to do, nothing to prove and it's-

...Are you done singing there?

-you and me and all of the people and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you. Ok, now I am. So, what's up?

Nothing just wanted to give a little update to go along with my first intro Q&A.

And to confirm your psychosis by sitting in for another interview with yourself?

No! Now are you ready or what?

Wait, who's being interviewed? You or me? Like it matters...

Me! Don't you see you're in bold? Now stop sassing and start asking.

Fine. So I got the basics: 27-year-old taking NYC by storm with her writing skills and fantabulous social life.

Umm, embellishing much?

OMG I should totally be your PR rep! You'll be gracing billboards on Times Square in no time! Hmm, first we'll have to give your wardrobe a major makeover...

Woman, work with me here! Focus!

Oh right, right! Anywho, how's work going for you?

Pretty busy. I've been balancing more duties while entertaining dreams of freelancing and seeing this blog grow.

*Snort* Good luck! Are you worried at all about the fate of the print industry?

Well it's definitely not pretty right now with magazines taking such a hit, but I don't think magazines and newspapers will ever truly go away. A computer screen cannot compete with holding that issue in your hands, reading outside, smelling the perfume inserts. Hey, the Internet didn't make books obsolete! But from a writer's standpoint, it'd be a smart idea to work on your online writing skills and build that up now. I've even started playing around with HTML!

Well whoop dee doo for you. Now when was the last time you got a manicure?

What the hell does that have to do with anything??!

Well I, for one, think your response was very telling. So yo, what's up with T?

I don't know. I haven't seen that chick since January.

[Backs away slowly] Was that a wise choice?

[Inches forward] What do you think?

[In a soft whisper] I think...you're...crazy as hell.


Hee hee, I win. How's Mr. First doing these days?

I don't know. We don't talk much. I hit a record this month by not speaking to him for seven weeks. But the silence was broken two weeks ago when he reached out for a second time. It's like the never-ending story between us two...today would've been three years...

Stop it. Have there at least been any new characters in your life? Please say you've taken a luvah...

No...No new characters other than my one-year-old puppy.

WOW are you boring. Can I be interviewed the next time around? 'Cause I'm way more fun. You should let me out to play more often!

No, you're trouble. And I'm thisclose to hurting you.

Shut up. You love me love me, say that you love me, leave me leave me, say that you need me...

So help me God...