Maybe I crossed a black cat yesterday without realizing it...

- After a long day at work, I headed off to karaoke with some coworkers. Had a great time 'til I realized that the song I wanted to sing was just not popping up even though I programmed it about four times. Tried another one. Nothing. I jump in to sing a Spice Girls song with someone else, the song inexplicably stops in the second verse. A song of mine finally comes up and it's "Girls Just Want To Have Fun: The Polka Version."

- Walked home in the rain sans umbrella and got to my apartment to see little black pieces all over my apartment floor. Toby had chewed up my black flats. The only black casual shoes I own. The ones I'd decided to wear today during last night's train ride home. I was so mad, I stormed into the bedroom because I needed some time to myself. This was after he shredded some papers a couple days ago and because his saliva is some sort of magic crazy glue concoction, pieces are still stuck to my hardwood floors. Last night's reaction made me realize that I probably should not have children since patience does not run through these veins. (A huge jump from last Sunday's instant pardon when, in a fit of we're-going-on-a-walk excitement, he knocked over my laptop and dented the power cord.)

- Tried to work on the videos I wanted to have up yesterday on my PC. I trimmed the clips, made them shorter and started uploading them onto YouTube. The first should've been uploaded in 45 minutes. Fifteen minutes before completion, my screen goes blue. Something about deleting memory pops up. I want to cry.

- I shut down the computer and decide I need a warm shower before I break down. After I'm inside, the water turns freezing cold. I want to cry.

- Beyond ready to put an end to the day I put Toby in his crate and head to bed. As I lay there, with Toby barking up a storm in the background, I realize I completely forgot to eat dinner...

- This morning I try to fix the computer, but it keeps taking me to the same menus and I have no idea what they mean. The manuals don't help. And if I'm going to get charged to talk to some fool on the phone, the price had better include a house visit from that same fool so he can actually fix it.

- I'm cranky and PMSing so I feel like throwing punches instead of attending a lovely BBQ with friends. This certain blind date guy who never called might show up, but I kinda lost interest over the course of the week.