Control, Alt, Delete

My hard drive died taking with it four years' worth of work, pictures, music, everything. Many of those files I hadn't opened since I last saved them and off the top of my head can't think of anything dire I needed to recover (God, I hope that realization never comes).

But a lot of it had sentimental value. This is the one moment I'm grateful for Facebook and how maniacal I was about uploading photos during my grad school year. I'm a hoarder through and through. I saved letters, e-mails and AIM conversations - those that touched my heart as well as those that broke it. I know that if I really dig around my memory, I could remember things I'd flip over losing.

Actually...just remembered one. Ugh.

And breathe.

So I've tried not to dwell. It happened and I can't do anything about it now. I'll take solace in knowing some files meant so much to me, I kept copies of them on my laptop even after I'd transferred them to my PC and just build from there.

Now, to figure out how to transfer all my songs from my iPod back onto my computer once I buy a new hard drive. Because I would be sad if I lost the ones I can't ask for again.

P.S. But on the real, technology sucks! It lulls you into a false sense of security with its eight million gigabytes of memory only to just screw you over out the blue. Boo.
