No One Likes the Cool Kids

So Taylor Swift has added another tune to the list of Songs from the Pining Underdogs with "You Belong With Me." Gist: Average Girl loves Cute Guy from afar, but - alas! - Cute Guy is with Much Hotter Chick. So girl sings from the bleachers while wearing her hand-me-downs and ginormous glasses waiting for the day the unattainable guy will wake up, dump the bimbo and get with her instead.

Been there, done heard that.

In 2006 it was called "Girl Next Door" by Saving Jane and Bowling For Soup made one for the fellas back in 2001 called "Girl All the Bad Guys Want." I'm sure there are more, but I think actually googling for others will make me lamer than I already am for knowing those two off the top of my head.

What I want to know is when will the cool kids stand up for themselves? Fight for your (wo)men! Beat the geeky boys and girls next door off with their own clarinets and tell them to hook up with some pocket-protecting nerds instead.

Just kidding. I didn't like you fools either.

I was very much the shy, late-blooming girl (braced teeth included!) sitting at the end of the lunch table munching on her ham sandwich and hiding under a mountain of XL clothes and textbooks. God how I hated those cool kids with their boobs, rap music and hot guys. As if studying for regents exams weren't enough, I also had to keep a mental list of witty (to me anyway) retorts just so I could forget them when I actually needed a comeback.

Were any of you the cool kid in school? Sound off and defend yourselves! (Geeks, unite!)
