Painting the Town Red

[WARNING: This post contains an obscene amount of pictures of me. Deal with it.]


After watching Paper Heart I was feeling light and content, so I walked over to a corner deli, bought myself a bright pink gerber daisy and walked to Central Park. The day was perfect for people watching, smiles and freedom.

There's a particular site in Central Park that's my favorite. If Future Husband and I ever get into a dramatic spat that has us separating and then considering a reunion where we both have to show up somewhere in order to declare our love for each other, I'd tell him, "Meet me at Bethesda."

And because I was feeling silly (and a little full of myself), had nothing else to do with my time and I didn't have the nerve to ask someone for help, I proceeded to take more than 25 pictures of myself.

The sun was already setting and I knew the park would get dark soon so I had to end the photo shoot. I quickly walked towards Central Park West, taking a few more shots along the way and happy at how fun and laid-back my day turned out.


JK: Any plans today? I'm going to Central Park to study if you want to come join.
Me: Ooh! I'd love to! I was going to the library later, but the park sounds way better.

This is the studying that got done...

That's right...another photo shoot!

After we finished acting like silly little kids who've been let out to play for the first time ever, we headed over to a bar with her friend and her friend's softball teammates. There, JK and I passed up the beers and instead focused on KenKen and crossword puzzles. I love that we're such little geeks and don't care.

That night the other girls and I went out to celebrate Heidi's birthday :)


Not a damn thing (other than dishes and laundry) and that was just fine with me!

Hope your weekend was just as lovely!