Some Morning Random with Your Coffee?

- I got home from work super late last night - at 11:15 PM. I was dead tired.

- Too bad it took me an hour to fall asleep because people in my building were playing/ singing along to yesterday's release of The Beatles: Rock Band. It's the second night in a row, by the way.

- Then this morning I was suddenly woken up by Toby's bloody barking...and the Con Ed (gas/electricity) guy at the door who'd come to read the meter.

- Ellen Degeneres is replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol. Love her, but can't see her as a judge. What say you? "Yay!" or "Oy vey?"

- My coworker just wrote about the new iPod Nano. So cute!

- Holy crap I'm tired. And today's another long one...