Wanna Go Clubbin'?

Then come with! I brought the Flip camera along on Friday night to treat you guys to a night out on the town :)

Again, I think I'm just going to vlog everything. It's sooo much easier...well minus the whole waiting a lifetime for it to upload. Some vlog notes:

-Compiling this made me realize how musical we all are. We just burst into song with no prob and then keep the convo going. Sort of like our Spanglish so I'm sorry if you monolinguals can't follow along.

-The club clips are shaky and with good reason: there's just no way I can listen to a good song and stand still. Just can't be done.

-Yes, that's a male stripper. I'm sure some will be disappointed that I only got 10 seconds worth...while he was still fully clothed.

-Throughout the video we refer to two ridiculous Dominican songs: "Watagatapitusberry" and "Pepe." If you don't understand don't worry, there's not much to get. (Haha! Just read the info box for "Pepe": Video de la cancion de Pepe pa k se curen mi gente una baina vacana. Oh Lord...)

-This video makes me wish I was still at the club. I can't believe I had so much energy despite being up since 5:30 AM.

Oh, and we hope you had a blast on your birthday, Dariany, because we sure did! I love how we were all tired beforehand and then ended up staying way past 3 AM. Oh to be young...

Here are some pictures from that night. Are we a sexy bunch or what?