How Much Experience Should Your Sex Partner Have?

You know how sometimes a question just pops into your head out of nowhere and instead of wondering where the hell it came from, you actually stop and ponder over it?

Yeah? Good, then bear with me on this one:

Would you rather date someone relatively inexperienced in bed or someone who's been around the block and back and can blow your mind between the sheets?

So last night I'm laying there in bed thinking, "Wow, good question, Dorkys. Which would you prefer? And what on Earth have you been reading these days?"

Who knows, but I think there are good and bad qualities to both sides so let's take a look:

Mr. Ain't Got a Clue

Yays: If he's straight up about his lack of sexpertise (womp, womp!), this could actually be endearing. He could be willing to try his best to please you and if you're in the same boat, how cute would it be to learn how to master those moves together minus the pressure and pretense? He probably hasn't had many partners (or partners willing to teach him), so if you have the patience to give this a chance, it could pay off down the line.

Nays: Is there anything worse than a cocky guy who doesn't know how to use the damn thing? Not to mention frustrating. Foresee a stream of bad, awkward sex before it gets any better. And if you're too hung up on protecting his ego (or he simply refuses to listen), there's also going to be a whole lot of counting the cracks on the ceiling and praying it's over soon. Fun times. (No, not really.)

The Man Whore

Yays: He knows exactly what to do. There's no need to guide his hand or present him with a diagram with arrows, x's and "Oh!"s. The sex will always be good - really, really good - and he's having it with you.

Nays: Consider how he came to learn all he knows and ask yourself how much this matters to you. If you can't get past his number, it could become an issue. Also, if he's much more experienced than you are, you might feel a bit insecure. But hey, you'll definitely pick up a thing or two from him. Let's just hope it's not Chlamydia.
