Unfortunately, Moms Just Know Everything

Scene: Ramos living room on Christmas eve. We find Dorkys, Damaris and their mami singing and dancing away like maniacs. All of a sudden Mami Ramos stops and turns to Dorkys.

Mami: You're seeing someone.
Dorkys: What?! No, I'm not!
Mami: Yes, you are. You're way too happy.
Dorkys: What? Can't I just be happy?

Well apparently not. My own mom thinks that my happiness must surely be caused by a man. Awesome. Meanwhile I'm giving my sister discreet looks and asking, "Can she smell him on me??"

I'm still not dishing out the details with the parentals though. When Mom asked if I was seeing someone last month (because I'd been going out so much), I said, "Nope. And if I was I wouldn't tell you. You'd just meet him on my wedding day." Muahaha.