27 Things Update

Well we're coming down the home stretch and I only did a little more than half the things on my list this year. Unfinished projects...it's pretty much the story of my life.

2. Travel to a new country- Failed, but I did visit a new part of a country I'm tired of visiting: DR.

3. Take swimming lessons- By the time I finally got moving on this...it was way too cold to swim.

4. Find my own go-to cafe- Didn't really need to before. Now that I'm freelancing I might make an effort to shower earlier, get dressed and get the hell up out of this house.

5. Finish the hallway photo gallery- What can I say? I'm lazy and I don't mind how it currently stands seeing as how nobody else is coming over to see it.

6. Design 5 greeting cards each month- What was I even thinking with this?!

8. Write a letter to one extra friend each month (eight)- Is it bad that the eight I did write were all in one month because I tried to keep a leg on this thing?

12. Tell one person I love them every day...and mean it- Saying "I love you" is HARD. Remembering to say it even though it's known is also hard.

14. Have a sleepover filled with junk food and chick flicks- Time...where did you go?

15. Host a cocktail party- Does it count if it was a party for one? What?! Drinks at the club are expensive!

16. Plant sunflowers in the spring- I tried, I really did, but they were not cooperating so I just let them die. I'm so nurturing :)

23. Speak up- I think I added this because I was running out of good things for the list. Blah.

24. Face three fears (one, two)- Hmm, well I went rock climbing at a gym with A. today despite my lame fear of falling. Does that count?

Image: flickr.com