Ten Rules to Create a "Lovely Little Blog"

You know which ones I'm talking about (if not, see a list of examples below). They're the ones with the daily awesome finds and super short posts full of sunshine and butterflies. Now I'm not saying anything against them (you'll actually find several of them in my blog rolls), but after coming across yet another one recently awarded Blog of Note status, I realized there really is a formula to that kind of blog. And here it is:

Rule #1: Your blog must have a simple white background with just a couple soft accent colors. This keeps the page nice and clean with all the focus on whatever goody you've found online. Think of it as using white plates to show off your yummy dish of the day.

Rule #2: You'll also need space on your blog to showcase your sponsors and all their colorful little ads. Be sure to support small businesses!

Rule #3: Real Simple must become your Bible and The Sartorialist your God. Worship them as they will provide the majority of your content.

Rule #4: Every picture you post should look like it was developed in the clouds: dreamy and beautiful. And all photos of you and your friends should always look as if a professional photographer follows you around 24/7. Anything sub-par could potentially ruin your blog's appeal.

Rule #5: Keep the blog 90% product, 10% any indication that you're a real person who deals with PMS, IBS or the INS USCIS. Any dark desires should be kept to yourself.

Rule #6: Your posts should be happy, short and sweet. If you feel like crap,* refrain from writing a rambling rant. Instead, go through Flickr or Ffffound!, select some gorgeous melancholic image and write, "I'm having such a gloomy day, dear readers. I'd love to know, how do you chase away the blues?" Done. (*See Rule #7)

Rule #7: Use beautiful vocabulary. Dump words like "damn crap," "screw it," and "that bloody bastard messed up my coffee order." From now on everything will be "sweet," "lovely," and "pretty." Throw in "inspiration" on post titles for good measure.

Rule #8: Anything and everything Anthropologie will make you swoon. Be sure to tell readers that at least once a week.

Rule #9: Along with fashion finds, your blog will feature lovely artwork, adorable videos, cool books (you won't review them though), perfectly decorated rooms, delicious foods, pretty paper goods and a bunch of other randomness that will elicit a resounding "Aww, I love it!" from all your readers.

Rule #10: Sit back and watch the followers and comments just roll in. It won't be long before you're basking in Blogs of Note glory too!

Bonus: If you're artistic, have an Etsy shop or are planning your wedding, use it to your advantage. Women eat that crap deliciousness right up!

Here are some prime examples of these lovely little blogs: