Wonka's Exceptional Debut

In other candy news, Wonka just unveiled its premium Wonka Exceptionals line with three new decadent chocolates and two fruit candies. The chocolate varieties - available now - are Scrumdiddlyumptious Chocolate (milk chocolate with bits of toffee, cookies and peanuts), Chocolate Waterfall (a swirl of white and milk chocolates) and Domed Dark Chocolate (dark chocolate topped with milk chocolate drops). I'm particular about my chocolate (read: I only like milk chocolate with crunch) so naturally my fave is Scrumdiddlyumptious. (But really, I just wanted to type it again.) They come in full-sized tablet bars and bags of individually wrapped minis. By the way, is it just me or do you also find it hard to eat a whole bar, but have no problem eating 20 bite-sized pieces?

And in true Wonka style, 10 chocolate packages nationwide will carry the infamous Golden Ticket that will give you a free trip around the world. Thousands of other packages hold Purple Tickets for instant ticket-oriented prizes such as gift cards, airline vouchers and movie tickets.

Wonka Fruit Marvels and Fruit Jellies won't be out until April (Exclusively at Wal-Mart and then Target as well starting in June), but I thought I'd tempt you anyway. I haven't been able to stop eating Red Apple Fruit Jellies since I tasted them this morning. They're just the right amount of chewy and not incredibly sweet. Both will be available in boxes and Fruit Marvels will also come in portable tins that interestingly enough make no sound when you shake them. So no one will hound you for sweets when you're out and about.
P.S. If you're in NYC, Dylan's Candy Bar is already selling Exceptionals chocolate bars and if you swing by the area today, you might snag free samples outside!

P.P.S. Just needed to add that there were Oompa Loompas at this morning's press event. How awesome is that? Though I have to admit, I was a little too freaked to look them in the eye.