Happy 101 Award

Rebel Cinderella awarded me this sweet award yesterday and we all know how much I love cupcakes so I just had to post it. As with all awards around these parts, it comes attached with rules and whatnot:

1. When you receive this award you must thank the person that awarded you this in the new post.
2. Name 10 things that make you happy.
3. Pass this award on to 10 other bloggers and inform the winners.

My current list of happy:

1. Consecutive days of 50+ degree weather
2. Strolling through Central Park and hanging out at Barnes and Noble with A.
3. Wearing my jungle green H&M jacket again
4. Spending time with the sis...even if it is to do her bf's linguistics homework
5. A little brother who's no longer ashamed to talk to his older sisters about anything
6. Working in the office (and talking to people!) for a week to cover for my friend
7. Now that it's warm, taking Toby for a walk
8. Sending random letters and little goodies to friends
9. As frustrating as it is sometimes, the fact that I have a career I enjoy
10. How much volunteering with kids makes me want to be a mom someday (let's go ahead and list this under scary as well)

Passing it on to:

1. Sugarlens
2. Not Your Average Ordinary
3. Joy De Vivre Design
4. I Hate So Much...
5. How About Orange
6. A Peek at Karen's World
7. Circling the Square Table
8. Freefalling Me
9. The World is My Oyster
10. Starbucks Break