The 10-Year High School Reunion

I love it when things exceed my expectations! After Friday night's kick-off event at O'Casey's Irish Pub, I actually got all excited about my high school reunion. We mingled, caught up with each other's lives and seriously, thank God for name tags. Saturday night's outing was the bigger event (I didn't bother actually going back to the high school *womp, womp*) and good gravy were there people packed into Public House. You could barely move! I was glad that I made it out on Friday night because I got to talk to other alumni, meet new people and learn some names for Saturday (can't front though, there were some names I'd already forgotten).

I was also happy for the dinner right before. Some of my high school BFFs (most still are to this day) got together before heading downtown. It was great spending time with the marrieds, a mommy, the daters and singles and realizing that no matter how much time passes we're still essentially the same silly group. I love that one buddy's loud laugh is still as contagious as it was back then. She knows who she is.

That night, I was so huggy my buddies thought thought I was tipsy. (I wasn't guys, geez. I'm sorry you're not used to seeing the touchy feely side of me.) I was just incredibly grateful that it's been 10 years since we graduated - about 14 since we met - and we're still so close. If only everyone were this lucky :)

P.S. I'd totally put up a high school pic, but then I'm sure that whole friends forever thing would go right out the window.

P.P.S. As for Facebook? Well now we've all been gathering a slew of friend requests. Let's hope those people stick around months from now.