A Wedding in California

When A. invited me to his cousin's wedding back in February, July 31st seemed like a lifetime away. I was thrilled ("Really?! You're inviting me to California for a family gathering?! Eeee!!"); a bit nervous ("Dear Lord that's a long ways away...don't mess this up...don't mess this up..."); but mostly I was - and still am - extremely flattered that he still saw us together six months from then. It's always a nice sign when the guy makes long-term plans for you two, right? And taking a plane anywhere together is serious!

Now here we are two months away, tickets bought and hotel room options discussed. I cannot wait to finally meet his family (he's from L.A.) and he's looking forward to renting a car and driving us from San Jose to Monterey. That and fulfill his wish to wrap me up in something pretty to present me in. We've yet to find the dress though and my friends would murder me if I used last year's ensemble a third time.

I can already feel the jitters as I watch the plane take off from my window seat; the nerves settle in as I meet his mom and dad...and his sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles; the giddiness of traveling with him for the first time, driving along the coast with the windows down and stepping on his feet as he teaches me how to slow dance at the wedding. I never have been very good at being led.