How Was Your Memorial Day Weekend?

So I've been gone for nearly a week now (how shameless), but plenty has been happening on my end...


First off, my sis and her boyfriend graduated! A. and I celebrated with them and some friends that night. The boys proceeded to watch the basketball game at a bar and I proceeded to accidentally pour beer all over my burgers. Never leave the ketchup right by your drink, folks.
Friday Saturday

Don't ask me what I did on Friday because I really don't remember. I just know Saturday was unfortunately gorgeous. Unfortunate because my sister and I postponed her graduation picnic in Central Park because of the supposed thunderstorms that were going to be in the area. But guess what? A. and I found THE dress for me to wear to that California wedding! More details to follow, but I absolutely love it...and I rarely use love when it comes to clothes.

We spent the rest of the day in Central Park making fun of bratty little kids and chicks who put booties on their designer dogs. Later that night, Kobe aka "the Lakers" made it to the NBA playoffs and Roy Halladay pitched a perfect game for the Phillies (only the 20th in MLB history)!


Who cares about Sunday other than the fact that there was still no rain in sight, I went back to Central Park to crash a picnic and then wasted 13 bucks on Sex and the City 2. Trust me, a review of that wretched movie is on its way. Moving on...


Picnic day! After a few last minute scrambles to get everything ready, the graduation picnic went off perfectly. The sun was bearable, a light breeze was blowing and we managed to find a patch of fluffy grass in the packed Sheep Meadow. It was such a wonderful time, I'm almost willing to go through the hassle of planning another park party in the future. Only next time might be a little more spontaneous and a little less reliant on the forecast.