How Was Your Weekend?

I approached the weekend without any plans in mind...until Friday 5 PM when A. suggested we rent a car Saturday morning and just drive up to Boston for the day to catch the Dodgers v Red Sox game. "That would be absolutely crazy," I said. "Let's do it."


We had dinner at Republic down in Union Square - a noodle restaurant A. referred to as "the college kid's version of Momofuku." My wonton broth noodles were amazing with tasty shrimp, pork and veggie wontons, glass noodles and a bunch of delicious greens. A. kept saying I just added two extra days to my life with every spoonful of what was easily the most satisfying meal I'd had all week. And the Asian basil lemonade was so refreshing after finishing a big bowl of soup.

With our tummies full, we walked across the street to Union Square Park. The night felt perfect: breezy with a nearly-half-full moon illuminating the sky, fireflies, voices and music floating in the air. You know that crazy feeling of happiness that swells your heart and leaves you without knowing what to do with yourself so you just sit and stare at this person with a goofy smile on your face hoping that just for a moment time would simply stop? As we sat on a bench, his fingers wrapped around mine and my head nestled on his shoulder, I realized yet again that this is how I feel whenever I'm with him.

Then a damn smoker sat down next to us and lit our romantic moment on fire.


A. and I picked up our rental car early in the morning and set off to Boston. He was looking forward to his first drive along the east coast and we were both excited about our first trip together and finally catching a game at Fenway Park. It was so much fun and hilarious at times, but it wasn't all peaches:

- Never has the difference in our music preferences been more apparent than it did during the nine or so hours we spent in the car. Every time I found a song I could sing along to on the radio, it would be met with a "This is stupid." I think the man needs to lower his standards a bit.

- Our GPS kept wanting to get stolen by taking us through the sketchy back hoods of Boston. Hearing A. go off on "her" ("Recalculate this, b*+¢#!") was worth it though.

- The Dodgers lost at the bottom of the ninth (still a great game!), it was blazing hot and we were dead tired on our drive back, but you know what? I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. We got to travel together and have a mini getaway adventure. We embraced spontaneity and experienced new things together. And even when we were tired and cranky we managed to get home (and find parking) without biting each other's head off.

A sign of the trip's success? The next morning A. said, "So I'm thinking in the fall we rent a car, drive up to, say, Vermont to watch the leaves change colors and then stay at a small bed and breakfast. Would you like that?" Love.


The car had to be back by 9 AM so once again we were up and out early. We kept the weekend's spontaneous spirit going by grabbing breakfast at an Upper East Side creperie I'd been wanting to check out all week. Details on that shop to come, but it was so yummy, I can't wait to go back! We spent the rest of the day resting and recuping and every now and then I'd smile and say, "We went to Boston yesterday..."