The Phillies and the Lakers

I've a confession to make: I haven't watched a single Phillies game all season. I don't know how many wins they've managed or where they've played. In fact, I've been losing interest in the team altogether. When Roy Halladay completed that perfect game weeks ago, that was the first time I'd seen them in action and that was only at the bottom of the ninth.

I guess it doesn't help that deep down the reason why I started cheering for them was because I still wanted a connection to Mr. First - who, by the way, still keeps me up to date on his beloved team whenever he decides to e-mail. I guess now that time has blurred up our ties so much, I don't need to cling onto the past as hard. I'm ok with letting that go.

Now A. is from L.A. and in his eyes Kobe aka "The Lakers" can do no wrong. Before he popped into my life, I'd never seen an NBA game and now here I am slowly pushing aside the team I rushed around to see win the 2008 World Series and hoping the Lakers win the finals this week. It's becoming less of a forced activity as I've just started watching the games on my own or checking the score first thing in the morning as forecast into A.'s mood for the day.

Sports have been so important in these guys' lives and somehow they've manage to wrap me up in it. I'll still automatically check if a random guy's red cap has a "P" on it and I'll perk up if a Phillies game is on at a bar, but I've noticed that the closer I get to A. the looser my grip gets on the Phils.

That said, I wouldn't mind if basketball season were over before I got too caught up in it.

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