A Maternity Leave Project

For the new mommies who are bored out their minds/ searching for something to do while the baby's asleep, check out Adele Enersen's hobby: capturing her daughter Mila's daydreams and posting them on her blog. How sweet will it be for little Mila to look through all these photos when she's older? Sure beats the itchy, frilly outfits my mom stuffed me into. (via Laughing Squid)
By the way, posts for the next three days might be short and quick as I try to get errands done, spend time with some friends and start packing for Thursday's trip! Hope your week is off to a great start. I'll be here this evening :)

Images: milasdaydreams.blogspot.com, milasdaydreams.blogspot.com and milasdaydreams.blogspot.com